You can download the file "BURAI***" from . After unzip it, you can see the application "bin\BURAI.exe". Executing it starts the system of BURAI.
I have one more question. I try to use QE in cmd, Windows.
I downloaded binary QE and mpi.
However, I dont know the command to execute both programs. I can operate QE but I dont know how to use mpi with it.
Could you let me know the command to execute both QE and mpi together in cmd?
What is $NP ? in command in Burai. I want to input #Threads number. I know #process is '-np' command after mpiexec
I have one more question. I try to use QE in cmd, Windows.
I downloaded binary QE and mpi.
However, I dont know the command to execute both programs. I can operate QE but I dont know how to use mpi with it.
Could you let me know the command to execute both QE and mpi together in cmd?
What is $NP ? in command in Burai. I want to input #Threads number. I know #process is '-np' command after mpiexec