I've just installed Burai and JRE, and tried to run examples. Each run ends with an error like this:
task # 0
from read_namelists : error # 5010
bad line in namelist &control: " max_seconds = " 8,64000e+04"" (error could be in the previous line)
I assume that this is because Burai generates input files with decimal commas instead with decimal dots; example files with dots exist in Burai and .burai folders, but when a project is created, new input file esspreso.in is generated with commas:
calculation = "scf"
max_seconds = " 8,64000e+04"
outdir = "./"
prefix = "espresso"
I've changed regional settings in windows in such a way that dot should be used as a decimal separator, but this does not change the performance of burai.
Can anyone help?
This error message is by Microsoft-MPI.
I do not know the reason of the error.
If you want to resolve the matter, please ask Microsoft.
However, you can use all processors w/ OpenMP w/o MPI.
Dear Mr. Nishihara.
Many thanks for your help. Now it works! ... Although unfortunately only using one processor, and not with mpiexec using four processors. In the latter case the run ends with:
ERROR: Failed to post close command error 1726
ERROR: unable to tear down the job tree. exiting...
.. but this is a different topic than before
You do not have to change language of Windows OS.
You have to download "burai.jar" at C:\BURAI1.3_Windows\ ,
and execute it from command-line:
java -Duser.language=en -jar burai.jar
Country Slovenia. Language 'Slovenski'; though windows display language is English US.
As I say, even changing the decimal number format does not help. Is it important, what kind of decimal format is set at the time of the installation of JRE?
It seems that decimal dot becomes comma, in some countries.
Please let me know your country and language.
I will fix the bug in the next version.